Highest quality, carbon fibre, fastest and most manoeuvrable eFoils on the market

Every lesson includes everything you need: wetsuit, boots, lifejacket, helmet and gloves
Every single one of our instructors are passionate about eFoiling which is reflected in how fun our lessons are
From beginner to advanced, we have you covered

South Coast eFoil rose from the embers of pure passion for watersports. We love them all and have tried almost every one, so you can imagine our amazement when we were blown away by riding an electric hydrofoil.
Electric hydrofoiling is the latest and greatest sport to hit the scene and it is a complete game changer. With the sensation of surfing, even on flat water, it completely changes how you view the ocean. eFoiling is one of the few sports where you can truly go out in all weathers: from glass water cruising to the adrenaline of riding six foot swells. We love it! When we are not teaching, we are eFoiling.
Based next to the New Forest in Southampton, we have access to the scenic waters of the Solent with the idyllic New Forest as a backdrop. This gives the perfect setting for those taking their first flight and also has access to conditions for more advanced foilers.
Our goal is to give those new to eFoiling an experience to remember in the safest and most fun way possible. For the advanced riders we have some tricks up our sleeves for you: wave riding, high aspect foils and folding props for the ultimate eFoil experience.
South Coast eFoil is proud to be a Lift eFoil affiliate and only use the top of the range carbon fibre eFoils. These boards are truly the Lamborghinis of the eFoil world...so much so, they are made using the same carbon fibre techniques!
Check out our social media to see the eFoils in action.

Mon - Sun: 9am - 5pm